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Steve Lillis professional pool player and trick shot artist wants to come to your college campus with his world famous Gospel Trick Shot Show. By using amazing trick shots seen on ESPN TV, Steve methodically weaves together spiritual principles with the trick shots to point people to the Lord Jesus Christ and to consider their utimate destiny. Book Steve at you campus now by going to the Gospel Trick Shot "GTS College Tour" page on the GTS website at Below is a link to view Steve's testimony on the "700 Club" for CBN TV.

Go to and type in the white textbox area in the upper right corner "Steve Lillis" and click search. Then select the video "The Pastor Shoots Pool" and enjoy.


Religious promo: 


Semi-secular promo:   

All college campus ministry leaders and students, please go to and click on the tab on the lower right hand side of the home page that says "Gospel Trick Shot". Please view our new ministry options for college campus ministries partnering with Bobble Ball Blasts.


Dear Campus Ministers, Students, and GTS Friends:

Gospel Trick Shot "College" Tours have been in existence since the fall semester of 1997.  Our first GTS college shows began with campuses in the Northern New Jersey area working with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. Since then campus ministries like Campus Crusade, Campus Ambassadors, Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship, International Student Friendship Ministries, and others have all invited Steve to their respective campuses. New Jersey schools like WPU, FDU, NJIT, PCCC, Ramapo, Princeton, Rutgers, ECC, MSU, and Drew have been visited and revisited often for the past 11 years. In 1998 GTS began to go out of state starting with the University of Minnesota and GTS has been back every year since. Other schools like Arizona State, Maryland, Bradley, Southern Illinois, MIT, RPI, New Hampshire, Texas A&M, Nassau County College, FIT, and many others have contacted Steve through the years to have him come to do his GTS Shows. World Champions Mike Massey and Tom "Dr. Cue" Rossman have at times joined Steve in visiting college campuses. If you know an interested campus pastor or campus ministry please have them contact the GTS office at 973-572-7287 or email at to discuss further how we can together reach students with the gospel by using creative trick shots on a pool table. 


Procedure to secure Steve Lillis & GTS on a college campus:

Go to your campus activities office and/or SGA office to request funding.  You can simply state that you are bringing a top professional pool player. Once the date is set you can fill out a "facilities request form" to reserve a pool table and space.  Pool tables are located sometimes in dorms, coffee houses, and frat houses in addition to the student center game rooms. Promotional materials and other information are available as well.  Please check the "calendar" page on the GTS website for available dates.  


By the way billiards is the fastest growing indoor sport in the world!  According to George Fels of the Billiard Congress of America it is also more widely played than any other sport as every country has its own version of the game.  This is a wonderful way to share Christ with many international students on college campuses. Let's reach students together in this very unique way using the wonderful game of billiards.



Go to the Student Goverment office and ask for their Appropriations Guidelines (it may be "How to Submit a Bill" or under another title). This pamphlet has all the information needed to submit a bill to the SGA. First write the bill, with the samples given for a guideline for format and content, and submit to the SGA. They will then notify you when to show up for an Appropriations Meeting (may be known as "Ways and Means" or another title) in which the SGA will ask for clarifications and details on the bill. Answer thier questions to the best of your knowledge and be sure to put down any other possible funding sources that you have. After this meeting, you will then be notified when to show up to the Senate Meeting, where you will read the bill straight forward before the Senate. You will need to attend one or two of these readings depending on the policy at your campus. After the bill is approved, be sure you fill out any necessary paperwork for the funding to go through you. SGA monies are usually advances, so you will get the funds before the event. Then after the event, be sure you get a receipt or honorarium for the expenses and turn them in to the SGA within two weeks after the events. It is strongly recommended to start this process AT LEAST four weeks before the event. This will guarantee the necessary time for the paperwork to go through the system. Be sure to ask your SGA office if there are any questions.

University of Texas at El Paso

Student Government Association

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

Bill No.

Date: February 26, 2010

Authored: Kristen Hernandez, InterVarsity President

Introduced by:

Seconded by:


Title: A bill to appropriate the sum of $1,100.00 to help defray the expenses of

hosting Steve Lillis, professional billiards player and trick shot artist from Gospel Trick Shot Ministries scheduled to have two performances at the UTEP campus on April 1, 2010.


Whereas: This show is designed to entertain students through Steve Lillis’ talents and to encourage and invite students to consider knowing more about Jesus Christ. InterVarsity at UTEP has participated in events in previous years during the week leading up to Easter known as Jesus Week. This is a time for all the religious student organizations to work together toward a common goal of sharing the faith of Christianity and preparing students for Easter. This will be the first time Intervarsity has taken on a large role in this week-long outreach, and by endeavoring to provide students with a quality program Intervarsity hopes they will leave from encouraged and inspired.


Whereas: This will be a great opportunity for the UTEP campus by providing a rare treat to see a billiards trick shot show and giving unique and original opportunities for students and faculty to reflect on spiritual matters that will enhance their experience here at UTEP.


Whereas: Both shows will have Steve Lillis perform trick shots as he shares a life message and part of the Gospel message with each shot. The proposed locations being reserved and finalized are Dynamite, the game room of the Union East Building for a mid-day show, and Summit Hall at Miner Village for an evening showing. These two locations and times will be the most convenient to reach the largest amount of student on campus and at Miner Village. Intervarsity is also seeking to serve refreshments and snacks at both venues.


Be it Enacted: That the 2009-2010 University of Texas at El Paso Student Government Association Senate appropriate the sum of $1,100.00 to help defray the expenses of hosting Steve Lillis, from Gospel Trick Shot Ministries, scheduled for April 1, 2010 at the UTEP campus with the stipulation that all unspent monies, after actions report, and receipts be returned by April 15, 2010.



Flight for Speaker: $330

Payment for 2 shows: 750

Food, Advertising and other costs: 100



We are seeking additional funding through the following sources:

Grant from InterVarsity’s Rocky Mountain Region: $300



Pro pool players perform ESPN trick shots

Chi Alpha Campus Ministries, Calvary Campus Church and SIU Bowling & Billiards hosts professional trick shot artists

Mike Massey, left, 3 time ESPN trick shot champion, and fellow trick shot artist Steve Lillis high five after simultaneously sinking 5 balls each during the Gospel Trick Shot Show Wednesday evening in the Student Center Ballroom.

Picture on right is fellow Gospel Trick Shot Artist Mike Massey posing with a Chinese Student. This particular GTS Show was done in the basement of a coffee house at that school.

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